

Most people will like hang some special or samll things on their suitcase.


Because I bought a new suitcase and then I bought the tags.


According to the photo you can see those are my new tags. Those are very common, any websites you type "suitcase tag" then you can find it.


What's special on the tag?


Important thing is how to write it!

吊牌上面都會有基本的 NameAddressTel ...這些

In the tag, you can see some basic  information like "Name", "Address" and "Tel".

Name 的地方最好寫兩種

Name's part the best way is write done two kind of your name.

  1. 中文姓名 First, Chinese name.
  2. 英文姓名(最好與護照上的相同) Second, English name. (The best English name is the same as your passport.)

Address 的地方就是寫居住的國家地址,最好也是寫兩種

Address's part the best way is write done two country address.

  1. 居住國地址(妳住在哪個國家) First, your original country.
  2. 即將旅行的國家住宿地址 Second, you will go to that country's hotel address. 


Both oh them the best language is English. Basically, abroad's hotel they have English address. Taiwan's address you can use "Post office" website to translate.


So, if your suitcase lost on the airport or tranfer the wrong place it will send to those address.


When you having a Travel, but the suitcase lost it will super mad and broken the travel's feeling!

又加上不知道能不能找回來的心情忐忑不安在心理,真的 Oh ... shxx!!

And you are not sure your suitcase can come back or not. It will make you want to say "Fuck!"

PS.台灣地址最好在最前面寫 Taiwan R.O.C 這樣會更容易辨識!!

PS. Taiwan's address write down the "Taiwan R.O.C" in front of your address then it will be easy to recognize.

Tel 的地方就是寫自己的手機或者家人的電話瞜~

Tel's part write down your cell phone or your family's cell phone. Both of then are best.

  1. 自己的手機 (+886 開頭的) First, your cell phone, please ues +886 or your international number.
  2. 家人的電話(市內電話或者手機都可) Second, family's cell phone. (Use your family's home number or cell phone number)


Both of the phone number the important thing is use international number.


The other thing is airline's suitcase's weight limit. Safe and sound arrive the destination is the super important part of the flight.


Even everyone think "That's ok! Just over one or two kg,not too serious."


Don't think that! If the flight can take one to two hundreds people, everyone over one or two kg. It's very seirous now.


Some of the people will think about customs regulations. For example, smoke, wine, famous brand bags. Please, don't defy the law.

行李秤沒有特別的品牌,這是新購入的 CAMRY 兩用電子秤

Luggage Scale, I didn't use any special luggage Scale brand. This is the new luggage Scale, it has two use ways.

  1. 秤重量 First, weight Scales.
  2. 量尺 Second, band tape.


Band tape use for mete suitcase. After all, they are not the same for each airline provision. Maybe some of the airline very similar, but it's for sure you don't need to repack your suitcase in the airport. For a precaution.


As a precaution to suitcase very broken then you need to buy a new one or likes me buy too much need a new suitcase. 

這個行李秤的重量很輕,電池是使用2顆1.5V AAA電池,就是冷氣遙控器使用的那種小的瞜~

This luggage Scale is very light and it use two 1.5V AAA battery.


PS. The tag information you can print it down then write, and then you can use many times.


Hope everybody have many travel's memories!

    行李吊牌 行李秤

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